Welcome to Alston Ridge Middle School PTSA

PTSA To Do List
2024-25 School Year
Join the PTSA FB page
The PTSA facebook page is a great source of information. Click here to join.
Carpool Process
View the carpool process here.
Join the PTSA
Join the PTSA here.
Parent/Guardian - $20
Student - $15
Family - $75
(includes 2 memberships, a shirt an auto magnet)
Warrior Family - $100
(includes 4 memberships, 4 ARMS shirts & auto magnet)
Support PTSA while you shop
Join Harris Teeter in their Together in Education code 6516.
Help us give back to ARMS!
Don't forget to join PTSA every school year. Your membership is only valid for one school year and needs to be renewed every school year. Please go here to renew your membership today!
Harris Teeter’s Together In Education is an easy way for you to give back to ARMS! When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase is donated to our school when you connect your VIC card to ARMS. You need to relink your card each year. Sign up here! ARMS’s code is 6516.
"Community is much more than belonging to something; it's about doing something together that makes belonging matter. " Brian Solis