Meet Our Board

Ericka Davies , President
I’m a former elementary school teacher and a mom of two. These days professionally I work in franchising and enjoy the work-life balance that remote work affords me.
My youngest is in 3rd grade this school year, and this is my second year at ARMS as I now have a 7th grader. I have served as the PTA reflections chair, cultural arts chair, advocacy chair, and secretary between the two PTA boards that I have been a member of in the past. This is my first time being president. I love being able to see the smiles on the faces of kids and teachers alike as they enjoy each assembly and artist in residence. I love having fun events with ice cream, popcorn, cotton candy, and inflatables. I love seeing students receive awards and recognition, such as during Reflections. Finally, I love recognizing the hard work that the teachers, administration, and staff members of our public schools do all year long, a lot of which we don't see but we know that our students benefit from.
We’re originally from NY and have enjoyed living in NC the last 7+ years. I love coffee and my family. I’m excited to serve with the ARMS PTSA this year and eager to learn all the new things!

Cheryl Vo, Vice President of Operations
This is my fourth year volunteering for ARMS PTSA. I have served as Treasurer and President at ARMS PTSA and I have also served as Treasurer and Audit Chair for Carpenter Elementary School PTA.
I have three kids Noah (12th), Caleb (11th) and Izzy (8th) who keep me very busy between work, school and activities. We are originally from Northern Virginia and relocated to the Triangle in 2013. In our free time we love to go on outdoor adventures and explore new places to eat!
I have spent my entire professional career working in government finance and compliance and look forward to offering my services to the ARMS PTSA.

Prathyusha Dukkipati, Vice President of Community Activities​​

Sophie Bolick, Secretary
​Hi, I'm Sophie and the ARMS PTSA Secretary. I am a 7-2 parent (Lexie). I am a scientist and spent many years working in the lab as a cancer researcher. I transitioned into the world of scientific/medical communications many years ago. When I'm not busy with my day job and the PTSA, you can find me running the local greenways and trails training for my next race, hiking, traveling, gardening, cooking, or spending time with my family.

Wendy, PTSA Treasurer
My name is Wendy and I’ll be serving as the PTSA Treasurer. My daughter is a sixth grader on Track 3 and my two sons are ARMS Alumni and attend Green Hope High School.
After growing up in Western New York, I have lived in the Triangle area for nearly 30 years and am thrilled Wegmans is now here too. My background is in bookkeeping, web design and computer science. Outside of work and school, my family enjoys sports, boba tea and road trips.
Being new to the Board, I am looking forward to serving and getting connected to the families, students and staff at Alston Ridge Middle School!

Scott Pratt, Member At Large and Fundraising
My name is Scott Pratt and I am a native of Cary. I have enjoyed how much the town has changed and all of the new people I have met. I have two sons at Alston Ridge this year: Atticus (8th grade) and Holden (7th grade). I have been impressed with all of the things the PTSA does each year and wanted to contribute by becoming a member-at-large.
I graduated from NC State and am a mechanical engineer at a local engineering consulting firm. In my free time I like to travel with my family, workout, watch Red Sox games, and drink bourbon. Looking forward to a great new school year and meeting more parents and facility members.

Ashley Arnold, Member At Large and Membership
Hi! My name is Ashley Arnold and I will be member at large this year.
I am just easing into the middle school scene this year as my oldest child is a seventh grader 7–1. I have two younger children in fifth grade and second grade this year.
In my spare time, I enjoy traveling, exercising, and helping my husband run his eat drink deals website!

Erin Simmons, Spirit Wear and Member At Large
I have a seventh grader at ARMS with two more on the way in the next few years. First year helping out ARMS PTSA, but looking forward to getting more involved.

Samina Firdous, Art Reflections and Nominatin​g
My name is Samina Firdous. I have a daughter Maryam (7th grade). This is my second year serving as art reflection chair with Alston Ridge Middle School PTSA.
I have been part of PTA since my daughter was in the elementary school. I served as a cultural art rep, communication chair, reflection chair and secretary before. I love volunteering, it makes my daughter very happy to see me in her school and helping them. I have always felt that when you are involved in your child’s school, you get to connect with more people, make new friends and know more about what’s going on in the school.

Jennifer Burge, Audit
I'm Jennifer Burge and I'm the PTSA Audit Chair for this year. I have an 8th grader and a 4th grader and I love being involved with the PTSA. I have lived in NC my whole life and I love the beach and the mountains. In my spare time you can usually find me at a soccer field watching my kids play soccer.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
Dr. Seuss