Become a Member
The number one reason to join is to help make a difference in your child's education!
By joining, you are helping the PTSA go above and beyond what the Wake County Public School System school budget provides for our school and our children.
Some things that you may think are provided by the school system are actually funded either partially or entirely by your PTSA membership dues, donations and fundraising events.
We honestly can not provide these special opportunities without parent and guardian involvement whether that be financial, through your membership or by volunteering your time.
Here are a few examples of what the PTSA plans to provide funding for at Alston Ridge Middle School...
Student Enrichment Events
Parent Educational Events
School Wide Visiting Authors
Character Education and Student Recognition
Reflections Art Program and Ceremony
Staff Appreciation Events
Fun Activities for Both Students and Families
8th Grade Graduation, Celebration and Recognition Events
Fundraising Efforts to Support Our School Staff, Teachers and Administration
In addition to helping your school, there are many more advantages to joining the ARMS PTSA.
Get Connected. There’s no better way to know what’s happening in your school.
Discover Great Resources. The PTSA offers a variety of programs designed for parents as well as students.
Tap into a Network. PTSA functions are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, building rapport and discussing issues that are on your mind. You can share ideas, concerns, and experiences.
Watch Yourself Grow. By volunteering with your PTSA, you put your skills and hobbies to use for a noble cause your child and all children in the community.
Speak Up. PTSA can be a way for you to more effectively suggest change at your child’s school.
Witness Improvement. By getting involved at your child’s school you’ll be part of the solution, helping make positive changes. Your PTSA plays an important role by supporting building improvements through advocacy and play an important role in fundraising for curriculum based programs and social events.
Be a Role Model. By becoming a PTSA member, you’ll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education.
Enjoy Substantial Benefits. Individuals and local units can take advantage of a host of benefits from PTSA membership including discounts and offers from member benefits providers and sponsors, magazine subscriptions, leadership training, e-newsletters and much more.
Some myths about joining the PTSA....
Myth: You have to attend PTSA meetings.
Truth: While we welcome all members to our general PTSA meetings and we try to have them at convenient times for busy families, meeting attendance is not a requirement of membership!
Myth: You have to volunteer time and participate on committees.
Truth: We welcome any and all volunteers but volunteering your time is not a requirement of PTSA membership!
However, if you want to be in the know and get exclusive information and opportunities for your child your membership is required.
Once you become a member you will begin to receive our weekly newsletter sharing important information that is happening in our school. Click the button below in order to join.
There are two ways to become a member:
You can click the button below that will take you directly to a link in MemberHub to select your membership
Or you can download a copy from below and send in this form with payment through your child.