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Board Positions


  • Oversees and coordinates the work of an executive board to run the PTSA effectively

  • Presides at PTSA board and association meetings

  • Serves as the official contact, communicator and representative of a PTSA

  • Designated as an authorized signer for PTSA checks, contracts and authorizations for payment

  • Serves as ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee

  • Works with other PTSA leaders to connect families, school and community to support student success



Vice President - Two Sub-Roles

  • Works as the primary aide to the president

  • Helps lead a PTSA towards specific goals consistent with PTSA purposes and policies

  • Performs president’s duties in his or her absence

  • Carries out other duties outlined in unit bylaws and standing rules or as assigned​

    • VP of Operations: Focuses on Membership, Fundraising, Volunteers, Sponsorship, and Communications​

    • VP of Activities: Focuses on Teacher Appreciation, Education Enrichment, Student-Focused Activities, Science Activities, 8th Grade Events



  • Takes minutes at board and association meetings

  • Co-signs formal papers with president: authorizations for payment, resolutions and formal letters

  • Handles PTSA correspondence as directed by the president

  • Maintains and preserves PTSA records and important documents to pass on at the end of the term




  • Maintains permanent records to track unit funds and financial transactions

  • Chairs budget committee and prepares annual budget for adoption by the association

  • Pays all PTSA bills as authorized by board or association

  • Prepares reports for every board and association meeting and an annual financial report

  • Ensures taxes and reports required by PTSA bylaws, insurance or federal and state governments are completed and submitted by the due dates


At-Large Board Members (up to 3)

  • Serve as the general parent/member voice at Board meetings





Standing Committees (Chair is a voting Board member)


Advocacy Chair

  • Improves communication and relationships between school families and staff

  • educating families and caregivers on important issues related to the health and educational success of their children

  • PTSA and school in the loop about the happenings within the School Board and County as well as other legislation that impacts our students

  • Attend District Board Advisory Council meetings quarterly with the Principle and report back to the PTSA

  • Encourage student participation in PTSA



Audit Chair/Committee

  • Audits the books and financial records of the PTSA to determine their accuracy

  • Presents written reports on audits to the board and the association for adoption

  • Forwards copies of adopted audits to council/district PTSA as indicated in unit bylaws



Communications Chair

  • Works with a committee, to manage all communications for PTSA to keep parents, guardians, students and staff aware of all PTSA events

  • Manage online presence with webpage, Facebook group, Instagram, and PTSA emails

  • Get principal approval for all printed communications

  • Design and distribute flyers and other forms of printed communications

  • Communicate PTSA announcements for principal’s weekly parent message

  • Assist various committees with design of flyers and other forms of Communication

  • Answer questions or requests from parents, community members and staff


Fundraising Chair

  • Works with a committee, appointed by the board, to plan and organize fundraising activities

  • Focuses on raising the amount of funds needed to meet the unit’s budget

  • Presents reports on proposed fundraising activities at board and association meetings for approval



  • Oversees PTSA membership via MemberHub online and paper sign ups

  • Creates and implements membership drive at the beginning of the school year

  • Coordinates with treasurer monthly to assure membership due payments align with membership database



  • composed of an odd number and no fewer than 3 PTSA members, at least 2 of the members should be board members and at least 1 should be a member of the PTSA who does not serve on the board

  • committee is responsible for identifying individuals to serve as officers of the PTSA

  • Prior to the last general membership meeting of the year the committee should compile a list of nominees for the coming year


Teacher Appreciation

  • Responsible for working with the board to plan and promote teacher meals, special events and other treats throughout the year

  • Assure that teachers feel valued and honored year round

  • Plan, organize and implement Teacher Appreciation week in May

  • Assist in Birthday and Warrior Way planning and celebrations



​​Special Committees


Book Fair

  • Work with Media Center to decide a theme and decorate for book fair

  • Assist in setup and take down of book fair, or plan volunteers accordingly

  • Organize and manage volunteers during book fair week

  • Work with treasurer to assure funds are processed correctly




  • Oversee the committee’s planning and implementation of the program at your school.

  • Register your PTSA online

  • Promote the Reflections and program to local students, teachers, parents, and the community as a whole thru flyers and weekly online newsletters

  • Establish a program timeline; when do you plan on passing out the flyers to students, when will art work deadline for submittal be due among other dates

  • Recruit other committee members, Reflections judges, and volunteers as needed

  • Distribute and answer questions about the rules, deadlines, and student entry forms

  • Collect student entries and verify they meet all eligibility requirements

  • Coordinate the local judging process

  • Host recognition activities for participants and winners



  • Works with teacher representative as needed

  • Manages and tracks year book distribution as guided by the teacher representative.


 Student Representative

  • Share student voice and ideas with the board to assure students are heard and involved in the PTSA

  • Assist to communication of programs and activities to peers

  • Attend/assist in planning afterschool/weekend special events

  • Provide PTSA with information regarding student interests and concerns thereby enhancing relevance and effectiveness of PTSA programs

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